Kenneth is one of the most sought-after speakers in Ghana. He travels across the length and breadth of the country speaking to various audiences ranging from the pre-teens through to young professionals and corporate executives. He speaks on a broad array of subjects in the area of personal growth, talent development, vision and strategy development, personal branding, stress management, mentorship, networking and collaboration, impact making and generational change, legacy building, and every area that contributes to the development and maximization of the human potential and the fulfilment of destiny.   He receives an average of 100 speaking invitations annually to address churches, colleges, and various seminars across the country.
No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw and think to yourself there's no point to carry on. No matter how many people tell you that you can't do it - keep going. Don't quit, because a month from now you'll be that much closer to your goal than you are now. Yesterday you said tomorrow, make today count!
Life coaching is one of Kenneth’s core passions. It’s a series of interactive training and guidance sessions that is geared towards helping individuals discover their purpose, clarify their vision for life, set goals and develop strategic plans, manage time, increase productivity, develop or improve key skills and any area related to personal or career growth and business development. Kenneth engages clients on one-on-one basis to help them navigate the course of their destiny.
I’ve been working on this latest release for quite some time now, and can’t wait for you to read it. This book first started out as a side project, but soon turned into a fascinating undertaking which I couldn’t stop thinking about or writing. Get in touch to order your copy today and let me know what you think.