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February 02, 2018

Too often we get discouraged and think, “This is just out of my league. This is over my head. I’ll never live in a nice house; I don’t have the funds. I’ll never get well; I’ve had this sickness for years. I’ll never write that book, start that business, build that orphanage. There are too many odds against me.” You’re right where you’re supposed to be. God wouldn’t have put that desire in you if He didn’t already have a way to bring it to pass. Your attitude should be, “It looks too big; nevertheless, I know with God, all things are possible. I don’t have the connections; nevertheless, I have friends in high places. I tried and it didn’t work out; nevertheless, what God started in my life He will finish.”

Blooming Flowers

January 31, 2018

Somebody may have told you, you can’t do it. Nobody in your family may have done it. The good news is this is a new day. You’re the difference maker. Rise up and go get what belongs to you. Quit letting people pull you down. Your friends and loved ones may mean well, but God didn’t put the dream in them, He put the dream in you. Don’t let them talk you out of it. Don’t settle for mediocrity because everybody around you is stuck there. Go get your dreams.

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January 29, 2018

Never get disappointed when things happened beyond your expectations. Remember that the greatest glory in life is rising when you fall. Be strong and have faith. Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want; not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve better. No matter how many times you break down, there should always be a little voice inside you that says, NO, you're not done yet! Be strong, keep hope alive.


January 20, 2018

Too many people are living on the surface, letting their feelings, their emotions run their life. The problem is your feelings will lead you down the wrong path. Your feelings will tell you, “You’re tired, you don’t need to go to work today, just sleep in.” Your feelings will say, “That person was rude to you, don’t let them have the last word, be rude back to them.” But when you discipline yourself to do the right thing, the harder it is, the more you’re growing in that area. Instead of seeing it as, “Oh, this is so painful.” Turn it around. “Yes, this is uncomfortable, but I’m growing a whole lot. I’m making progress.

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January 16, 2018

You can’t have a new life with old thinking. Limited thinking will cause you to live a limited life. Start believing bigger. Nothing happens until you speak. When you get up in the morning, you need to make some declarations of faith. Storms come to every person. We don’t like the storms, but God uses the difficulty to push us into new levels.

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January 11, 2018

Everywhere you go you have an advantage, a divine empowerment that is opening up doors and causing things to fall into place. Life is full of peace stealers. If you’re going to live in peace, you have to put some boundaries up and not allow everything in. You may have big obstacles, but we serve a big God. Your enemies may be powerful, but our God is all-powerful. Be patient and trust in his timing, it will be worth the wait.

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January 09, 2018

If you're hurting today, doubting if things will ever get better…. Don’t drift into doubt and fear. No matter what you face, stay anchored to hope. get your hopes up! You may have fallen flat on your face but have the courage to RISE up, come out stronger than you were before. Don’t give fear a name, don’t let it rule your life. Be strong and of good courage.


January 01, 2018

When you’re comfortable with who you are, not trying to impress people, not trying to be something that you’re not, then your uniqueness will come out. You’ll be more creative, you’ll see new doors open, the right people will show up, talent will come out in greater ways. You’ll step in to the anointing on your life. Be you. You’re powerful when you’re you. Here’s the key, nobody can beat you at being you.


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December 25, 2017

There will be crosses to bear, betrayals, setbacks, but if you’ll keep moving forward, there will be resurrections. Life is too short to live frustrated. God wouldn’t have allowed it if it was going to keep you from your destiny.


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